Kirstie Anders

Kirstie Anders
editing and proofreading service

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Why is a real person best?

People! Don’t trust your spell check only. Well not to capture more than misspelled words anyway and sometimes it finds it hard to distinguish between US spelling and Australian spelling so may still get it wrong.

Don’t rely on tools for digital accuracy either; they may pick up spelling but not always grammar mistakes and if they do pick up some grammatical errors they sometimes replace them with incorrect suggestions. You just can’t beat the eye of a human proofreader. Digital will cost you in more ways than one and will get you 50% but not 100%. A real proofreader/editor will cost you too but you can often negotiate and your work will be dead right.

There are a number of online programs you c
an use such as Ginger, Whitesmoke, Text to speed, After the deadline, Microsoft word, Online correction, Grammar check, Reverso, Spellcheck plus, Paper rater, turnitin…just to name a few and then there’s me. Try them yourself. On their landing page they give you an opportunity to trial a passage. I tried with all of the above and not once did it pick up all the errors. Truthfully they often managed 80% of the spelling errors, sometimes more but missed the grammatical errors nearly 100% of the time. I looked into these programs to be a backup for my editing and proofreading work but was disappointed with the results. Certainly for spelling but then just go with Microsoft word which is free and more accurate than the other programs I trialled. If you're keen to get it right first time check out my website and contact me for a quote via my website

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