Kirstie Anders

Kirstie Anders
editing and proofreading service

Monday 20 April 2015

The power of proofreading

Proofreading is a system of scanning a document and correcting errors. This can happen electronically or on hard copy using proofreading marks (paper). Self-proofreading is fine and do-able, however, it can be quite difficult to step back far enough from your work to see errors within. Any last faults often occur just when stress levels are uppermost and time shortest, readers' minds resist recognising them as errors. Under these circumstances, proof-readers are inclined to see only what they want to see.

As a proofreader I find the best way to go about proofing work from someone is to initially print off a copy and read it out loud. I always mark as I go, in case I miss something on my second go over. I read aloud so I can hear a run on sentence or any other problems that you tend to pick up more than reading quietly. I often use another piece of paper to block the lines below where I am reading because I have a habit of reading ahead. This ensures that I am focused on the line I am on only. After I read it twice I put it down for 15 minutes and then come back to it. Just that small distance from it allows me often to pick up more errors. I don't rely simply on spell check when proofing online because it won't deal well with homonyms (e.g., 'they're,' 'their,' 'there') or certain typos (like 'he' for 'the'). Once I feel the document is complete and that the standard of presentation is suitable for publication, I again scrutinise each word, punctuation mark and graphic element for discrepancies before sending back. I also check that the layout and type stipulations have been precisely followed, and that the line breaks, and table and illustration placements are appropriate.

Good presentation to any piece of work of any sort can make a huge difference. Whether it's a website, newsletter, essay, brochure, or corporate document; errors tell me and the general public that it is not good enough, not professional enough. They ask, 'If they make mistakes like this, will their service be any good?' A simple proofread can make all the difference in getting good and numerous customers, good grades and establishing a good reputation for producing quality work. Proofreading is vital to creating completed pieces of quality work. Typos and inconsistencies happen to the best of writers. A spell-checker can only fix spelling errors, but do not take into account substituting 'is' or 'it' or using the incorrect forms of other words.
Contact me for an opportunity to get fast editing and proofreading completed on your masterpiece.

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